Dictionary.com defines nontraditional as "not conforming to or in accord with tradition". Returning to school, after graduating from high school just 24 years ago, has been more of a challenge than I ever could have imagined. Not only have I been labeled a "nontraditional student" but also am treated so much differently. For example, I was the only student in my Comm class to be named "someone with children" because I look much "more experienced" than anyone else in the class. I didn't get any recruiting fliers for any of the sororities during rush week. I always get the door held open for me at the library but was not given any special treatment when it came to standing in line for Bronco tickets because of my age, that's for sure.
I heard one of the "traditional students", meaning the 18 year-old that just left their parents house for the first time and is starting to miss mom's great cooking, complaining about not having any free time because they have a lot of studying to do in two of their four classes. I almost spit water out of my nose. She also mentioned how she had no time to keep her nails done and that was really depressing. Wow, really?
I've gone to the non-traditional side when it comes to studying. For anatomy, which I'm beginning to understand why it's considered the "hardest class on campus", I've written all of the body parts on my 3 year old and washed them off during bath time... she now knows that the popliteal is the back of the knee. When I cook dinner, I put everything into a linear equation and just add x=??? to every recipe. My dashboard of my car used to have quotations heard from Pastors or friends to keep me motivated and humble during the day.... now there's only flashcards made with things that need to be memorized for the week.
I took my pre-college life for granted. I wonder what it would be like to have all of the laundry done at the same time, how it would feel to sit down and actually eat breakfast, get to volunteer at my son's school, sit down at the computer to update facebook rather than see what's happening on blackboard, or just breathe. I guess I'll find out in December, but for now I truly am "enjoying the journey".